Improve and visualize sleeping habits with Sleep as Android

sleep_as_android_logoSleep as Android is an accelerometer-based sleep cycle tracking app that provides a nice set of helpful ‘sleep tools’, including lullaby mode, sleep noise recording, lucid dreaming detection audio and a Captcha test. But more interesting feature is sleep cycles, by which it knows just the right time to wake you up.

Previously, people used to huge amount of money on devices that would track and improve their sleeping habits, but now you can do this by just using an application that you can get from the Google Play Store: Sleep as Android. There are many such apps, for both Android & iOS devices, but Sleep as Android is one of the best on the market. There is a ‘free 14-day trial’. There is also a pro version with all the features Sleep as Android has, we believe it’s very good value for money.

Sleep Tracker

sleep-trackerLet’s talk about the most useful feature ‘Sleep Tracker’: each night, before sleeping, put the app into a mode that uses your phone’s gyroscope, then lay your phone on your bed near you and just go to sleep.

How it Works: The app will then track your movements in the night and plot them on a nice graphical view for you, times of inactive movement are referred to as “deep sleep” (or rapid-eye-movement cycles) as opposed to times when you’re more active.  It is helpful to wake you up during a period of light sleep, making it easier to get out of bed.

Trying this on subsequent nights can get you interesting and useful results. You can see comparisons of nights across a span of time, and figure out exactly how much you slept. You can set ‘ideal sleep range’ from preferences menu so the app can tell your cumulative sleep different from ideal.

Lullaby and time-to-bed notification

Sleeping aids such as lullabies are also included.

Aids also include an insistent time-to-bed notification — For the set alarm, the app will also notify you the ideal time for bed so that you get the ideal sleep as you want..

Other Features:

  • Gentle alarms
  • Sleep noise recording;
  • Special lucid dreaming detection audio
  • Captcha test.

Sleep as an Droid is available on Google Play